Starting a Business in the Art Industry

by Gregg Visintainer March 30, 2016

Are you an artist interested in selling your artwork but not sure where to start? Are you interested in selling online or at local markets and festivals? Do you have questions about art licensing, wholesale, galleries, marketing or branding? Do you want to sell your artwork as a hobby or professionally?
Let me help guide you by not making the same mistakes many artists do when starting or pursuing their art career. My goal is to kickstart your business, give you confidence while saving you time and money.
I am an award winning self taught artist, gallery owner, TEDx speaker, entrepreneur and a father. I have been selling my artwork professionally since 2008. My first year I setup at 150 markets/shows and currently sold in over 800 events. In 2010 I started selling at wholesale shows in Los Angeles and New York. In 2013 I opened an art gallery featuring 20 local artists. I have worked with some respectable companies such as DC Shoes, Disney, Grateful Dead, United States Marine Corps and many others.
My journey in the art industry has been incredible but not easy. Many people think the world owes them something but nobody owes you anything. I believe that what you put into your business is what you will get out of it. In this industry you need to be motivated, passionate, sacrifice and truly love what you do. I am willing to share my knowledge, experience and mentor artist who are serious about their craft.
I help artists who are starting out, trying to get their business to the next level, marketing, shows and fees, art direction, pricing, wholesale, art advice and anything else related to running an art business.
To schedule an appointment click, HERE.   
Gregg Visintainer
Gregg Visintainer

Gregg “Viz” Visintainer is an extreme doddle artist and gallery owner whose unique artwork contains hidden pictures, words, and messages relating to each theme called Viz Art Ink.
